The Versatile Blogger Award
Tonight, I was completely thrilled to receive the Versatile Blogger award from a blogging buddy, Anassa . Here are the rules, which I lifted from her post to make sure I did it correctly. The rules for this award are: Thank and link to the person who nominated me. (You rock, Anassa!) Share seven random facts about myself. Pass the award along to 15 new-found blogging buddies. Contact those buddies to congratulate them. Okay, so here's the seven random facts: I have a mirror image identical twin. Our crooked teeth are on opposite sides, as are our cowlicks, she's left-brained, I'm right-brained, and some of her internal organs are actually flip-flopped on the wrong side. I love burned cheese. I'm terrified of the ocean, mascots (also Mickey Mouse), heights, and handsome men. I once shaved a shower curtain. Don't ask. It made sense at the time. My great uncle was suspected of being part of the plot to assassinate JFK. He also was in ...