Guest Post by Rachel Carrington-Enjoy Olive Garden

Enjoy Olive Garden
Guest Post by Rachel Carrington

When my assistant told me I had been graciously allowed to guest post at Cowgirl Contemporary Fantasy, I was excited. I love Scooter's stories and her sense of humor, especially her October 2011 post, Naughty Minds.

So in the interest of keeping with the humor aspect, I thought I'd share my latest faux pas. In the interest of full disclosure, I was extremely busy this holiday season (as most of us are), and I was frantically trying to finish a writing goal I'd set for myself. So I was admittedly a little scatterbrained.

Usually, I sent gift cards to my friends who live out of town because I don't like having to lug big boxes to the post office, and I don't know what they already have in their house. So I stuffed the cards in the envelopes, wrote an appropriately gushy note under the card's sentiment, and stuck the cards in the mail slot to await the forthcoming bouts of gratitude. (Hey, occasionally, my friends do remember to say thanks!)

So on the Friday after Christmas, I received a call from a friend who lives several states away from me. She asked me what my note meant on the card, adding that I'd written "Enjoy Olive Garden." Now, who doesn't enjoy Olive Garden, but it's not a sentiment I would ordinarily write...until I remembered I'd included a gift card. I reminded my friend of that in a somewhat pompous tone of voice since I thought the answer should have been obvious.

My friend's response? You didn't include a gift card. Huh. So I searched through all of my wrapping paper and leftover Christmas tags, looking for that card I'd inadvertently left out. All to no avail. Practically panicked, I headed to my receipts. (Yes, I keep them organized, but that's another story.)

While my friend remained on the phone with me, I discovered not only had I not lost the gift card to Olive Garden, I'd never even made the trip to the restaurant to purchase it. Yet, I had scratched it off my list. My friend thought this was extremely hilarious, especially since I'd been so sure she was the one who was slightly off her rocker.

Needless to say, today, I made a trip to Olive Garden. And at the rate my schedule is going now, she might get the card by mid-January.

About Me

I started writing years ago, and my first attempt was a contemporary romance that will never see the light of day. I think I may even have thrown it away by now. It was absolutely horrific as I knew nothing about well…anything to do with writing.

After that, I started writing fantasy romances about wizards and wizards, and once those took off, I segued to paranormal romances (hello, vampires and ghosts) and romantic suspense. I also write articles for various magazines, including The Writer’s Journal, Writer’s Magazine, Writer’s Weekly, Writing for Dollars, Absolute Write, and Funds for Writers.

I’m fortunate to make my home in historical Charleston, South Carolina. Beautiful city. Beautiful people. When I’m not writing, I love to read paranormal romance, romantic suspense, young adult fantasy and paranormal, create videos, shop, cross-stitch, cook, and drink lots of coffee.

My latest release, Waking Up Immortal, is an adventurous, romantic blend of science fiction and fantasy, and it's available now from several online retailers.

You can find me all over the internet, but here are just a few of the places:
My website:
Facebook: rachelcarringtonwrites
Pinterest: rcarrington2004
Goodreads: rcarrington2004


  1. Why, thank you, perfumehk. I'd say, "Nice perfume," but alas, there's no scent component to the Internet yet.

  2. Great post! Thank you for sharing.
    garden planter


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