Several months ago, I read a blog post about do's and don'ts for conference panels. I would cite the author and post if I could remember where I found it, so I'm terribly sorry. It may have been Janet Reid's , but I can't be sure. One of the no-no's was asking a question that was truly a thinly veiled pitch. Example: "How do you think a story about robots that pick your nose would sell? I can show you what I'm talking about, as I have the manuscript in my hand." Earlier today, I participated in my first UF Chat on Twitter. It was a blast and the discussion was great, and the other participants seemed very knowledgeable. Several of them are published, and I had a question I wanted to ask regarding the genre of my novel, The Rider of Nealra . I was afraid to ask, just in case I might look like Robot Pitch Girl above. Just before I actually asked, though, my toddler woke up and I had to leave. Several par...
My husband is a pretty punny guy, and even though I'm a writer, puns tend to fly over my oblivious head for a few seconds. He was rolling them off in the car the other day, and the puns were smacking me on the forehead so hard that I was pretty sure I had a puncussion. (A-thank you!) I wanted to share with you the best pun I've ever heard. I do not know what twisted mind managed to come up with it, but it was told to me by my good friend, Cathy, who is another punster of the finest order. Are you ready? Soooo, Ghandi was a spiritual leader that walked a lot, so his feet grew very tough. He was extremely thin, and his poor diet gave him a pretty rank case of bad breath and a frail body. He was a.... Super callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis. Do you have a good pun? Please share!
Tweet I've been kicking around titles for my work in progress for ages. It's working title is The Rider of Nealra , but every one I've considered has problems. After reading this great post at Books & Such, I've been putting more thought into the matter. These titles fight so voraciously in my head that sometimes I think I need to call a referee. Or, a shrink. You'll find the description of the novel to your left. Which do you think is best overall? If you don't like any of them, give ideas, suggestions, or revisions in the comments below. Quizzes by
I like the t-shirt that points out that "Let's eat, Grandma" and "Let's eat Grandma" are entirely different propositions.